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You're viewing SpongeBob Squarepants Cheat Codes

Game Name : SpongeBob Squarepants
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2005-01-26 06:39:19
Views : 21224
Midway games: Finding Plankton:
Before you can get Plankton, you have to complete the Bikini Bottom, Down Town, Tree Dome, Jelly Fish Fields, and Goo Lagoon levels; and have to get all the other letter tiles at Chum World. Go to the area where the back entrance of the "Big Top" is located. You will see a black speck holding up a letter tile. That little black speck is Plankton. You will have to chase him. The best strategy for this is rolling. When you are directly behind him, jump. If you get him, you will get the letter tile . If you lose, he will yell and jump into a vent . You will then have to go back to where you started and try again. Do not try sneaking up on him from behind -- it does not work. Then, you get to go treasure hunting.

Tree Dome: Running on the Hamster Wheel:
Before you jump on the Hamster Wheel, change into your "Fishing Gear" costume. Then, jump on the wheel and keep jumping until the timer reaches zero.

The Dutchman's Graveyard: Extra lives:
When you are getting "booty", look around where you find the booty. Whenever there is booty, there are some lives.

Jelly fishing gear costume:
At the Krusty Krab, body slam the target. A tent will appear and you will have the jelly fishing gear costume.

Mermaid man costume:
In downtown (construction site), deliver Krabby Patties to Patrick and he will give it to you.

Reep blower costume:
In Jelly Fish Fields, win the 100 jelly fishing contest. Your prize will be the Reep Blower costume.

Goo Lagoon: Letter tile B:
On the to do list in Goo Lagoon, on the job where it says "To the crows nest", it really means the top of the old, junky ship wreck where you have a karate match with Larry the Lobster. Go to the part of the ship that is moving. When the pole gets low, jump on it. It will go high again and you will get a letter tile.

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